Sunday, October 16, 2011

Trunks and Treasures

Every Christmas I load up on sweet little girl clothes for my neice Jacy, and well...
1. I never see her wear any of it, probably because I am a total girly-girl and love the big over the top bows and tutus, and well my sister in law is totally opposite.
2. They outgrow stuff so fast!
3. Clothes are totally boring to a 3 year old!

So, this year I came across the facebook page Trunks and Treasures. They have the cutest vintage suitcases that are hand painted, made to store dress up clothes or anything really. Again, I know I think of dress up clothes...BUT I did say it could store other things! Anyhow, I got her one made for Christmas this year and I love it!!! Check them out on facebook!

Saturday, October 1, 2011


I hosted a thirty-one product party last night and we had a blast. Cody went to the deer lease for opening day of bow hunting and I had a bunch of ladies over for a party. If you haven't seen their products, you should check out their webpage. Some of their stuff can be kind of pricey, but some of it is reasonable. But, you can earn a lot of free products and half price products if you host a party. I got a lot for myself and then picked up some things for my mom for Christmas.