I have been keeping the biggest secret ever since the middle of February! The weekend before Valentine's Day I was feeling DIFFERENT...so I thought maybe I could possibly be pregnant...My husband and I have been trying since July and haven't had much luck. Nearly every month I tell him, "I think I might be pregnant"...but then I always get a big fat negative! We went to eat at Papadeaux for Valentine's Day and on the way home we stopped at the store...I ran inside and picked up a few things, not telling Cody I grabbed a pregnancy test. The next morning he got up and left and went fishing with a friend and I got up bright and early and took THE test. Surprisingly enough it looked to be a VERY VERY faint positive sign...I wasn't sure if my mind was playing tricks on me so I ran to Wal-Mart and got a test that would point blank tell me Pregnant or Not Pregnant. I waited and waited and waited and sure enough when I walked back into the bathroom it read clear as can be Pregnant! I freaked out! I wanted to call Cody so badly but I couldn't...it was the longest day of my life. He was gone all day! So I went to the store and got a cute Valentine's card and bag and wrapped up the test as his Valentine's Day present. He finally got home and I handed him his present he began to read the card and couldn't believe what he was seeing! I cried and so did he but we just couldn't bring ourselves to share the BIG news!
I have so many girlfriends that were so excited (who can blame them?!) and they announced to everyone early on and then ended up miscarrying and having to tell everyone the bad news... that would be a nightmare. I couldn't chance going through that!
We went to the doctor at what we thought would put us near 7 weeks but when my doctor did the ultrasound there was nothing there...I panicked. He told me he didn't think I was as far as I thought I was...so we waited and went back nearly a month later and sure enough there was Baby P with a strong heart rate of 163 and that put me at 8 weeks pregnant! I was relieved but still not enough to spread the joyous news.
We went back a month later to finally hear Baby P's heart beat. It was amazing and again was a strong 161. A week later we had an NT Scan done to check our chances of Downs and Trisomy and see how Baby P was measuring. Everything looked good and our chances came in at 1:10,000 for both. I was finally 13 1/2 weeks pregnant and felt good enough to spread the news.
We took Cody's mom and dad to dinner for his mom's birthday and I gave her a onesie and rattle all wrapped up. She had the most confused look on her face and then finally began to scream and make the biggest scene in the middle of the restaurant! It was the funniest thing. They are thrilled. We had some cute announcements a girlfriend of mine made for us to mail out to most of our family and close friends.
It's all becoming so real! We cannot wait to find out if P is a boy or a girl! We think it is a boy but will be happy either way. For a boy we are going with Penn Tucker or Penn Teague (not sure yet...) and for a girl I am at a loss...possible Parker or Paige.
As of now I am 14 weeks and haven't really gained weight but am beginning to show...More to come soon!!!