Monday, May 28, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

Boy or Girl???

We will find out Thursday if we are having a boy or a girl! Well...let me re-phrase that...we are HOPEFULLY going to find out on Thursday as long as Baby P cooperates!!

I had big plans on doing a cute gender reveal party and cutting into a cake to find out if we are having a boy or a girl, but I just don't think I can wait! For those of you who are not familiar with a gender reveal party it is where your doctor puts the results of your ultrasound into a sealed envelope and then you can take it to a baker and have a cake made with pink or blue filling and then you cut into it to find out the sex. It is a cute way to find out together or with your friends and family.

That was the plan, but now I have to be able to see it with my own eyes and I know I will have to ask 100 times...are you sure?? Are you positive?? Ha! I have to be certain! And I really want to have that special time with Cody to find out and we can take it all in and soak it all up together.

I'm afraid some feelings are going to be hurt, but I have thought long and hard and I just want that special time for us. friend Jennifer knew I had backed out of the cake cutting, because I am too uncertain and impatient so she begged me to to the balloon release. Once again, I was not going to hand over that envelope with the results so I decided that we would take both pink balloon pictures and blue balloon pictures ahead of time so then on Thursday we can reveal the picture...PINK or BLUE!

Here are a couple!


Or Girl??

For so long I've had this gut feeling it is going to be a boy...every dream I've had has been of a boy...but now I am second guessing and have no idea!! We will be tickled either way. I'm just ready to know!!!